Holidays… package holidays of the packaged kind, Majorca here I come, caramba! -John Cooper Clarke (The Bard from Salford)
Yes I am knee deep in Christmas holly, roast suckling pigs, smoked salmon and the lot. Can't complain, yet this holiday seems odd (and at odds!) with my pondering mind. Not only do the hard questions of current events worry, but most of my days involve vegetable and fruits that are not in season, work relationships, bread order missing, refrigeration problems inside while windy cold weather looms outside. It's not strange. It's actually the norm for the season. And yet I yearn for a simpler and more stress-free spot. A place that makes me and other people happy, just add mixer, water, flour and salt… etc.
Oh, well, just a week and a half left of this weariness, then comes the real rush of winter, the hot braised stews and other comforts on a plate… then more pondering!
See you on the other side.
Luff & kisses from the chef.
That must be like 10,000 lightbulbs. Lovely. Happy Holidays.