At least according to those who have participated in our survey, so far.
In a crowded field of over 20 chefs, the favorite so far is Julia Child, followed by Jaime Oliver. Other folks who ranked tops were Jacque Pepin, Bobby Flay, Ana Sortun, Nigella Lawson, Rick Bayless, Anthony Bourdain, Thomas Keller, Daniel Bouloud, and Daniel Humm.
Most interesting to me was when it came to a wish for more articles in specific areas, "local food" was a favorite. And nobody expressed major interest on more coverage of ethnic food personalities, cultures or techniques.
And while Paris came in as favorite food city, followed by New York, San Francisco led in being third and fourth choice. Other notable favorites, Oaxaca and Mexico, Singapore, Stockholm, London, Melbourne, and Sydney.
So far as generators of interesting cuisine in the future, Ireland came up several times.
Anyway, the month is not over. If you have not participated, we'd love to get your input. Click this link to participate. It should not take long and, again, all results will be shared soon.
Hey, Angie. Italy has not shown up (Naples, Rome), but send some friends to take the survey. As we say in NYC, “represent!”