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Micro bakery

Bigger Than A Bread Box

Someone asked me to how I manage to bake the amount of bread from my oven at home. It's not easy to retard dough in a tiny fridge or using shelf and table top space for rising dough. Besides shopping for product, there's the staying up most of the night to...

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Micro Baking

My love of baking doesn't rest on nights and weekends. In fact, a week working in a professional kitchen hasn't stopped my enjoyment of exploring bread and loaves. And so somehow I woke up one morning recently and realized that somehow I have started a...

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Mick Hartley

Since my visit to the village Bethesda in North Wales last year, I have been imploring my friend Mick Hartley to talk about the home-based micro-bakery he started almost a year ago. Mick is the brain child of  the now infamous Bethesdabakin. He's also an inspired...

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David Aplin

Though I haven't yet met David Aplin, what connects us is the mutual devotion to baking bread. He and his wife  Camelia are bakers in Toronto whose micro bakery stands in their backyard. Once a month they stoke wood in the stone oven that David and his brother...

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