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The past few months I'd been reactivating my army recipes, inspired by the departure of one of my staff  who needed some personal time off, he grew tired of cooking. His replacement was amicable to using my military recipes (as he'd just enlisted into the Navy)....

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Habicheulas Guisadas

Working with a team of Latin cooks, I've learned to up my game with beans. Between Yamil's Puerto Rican flavored-guidance, and Vicente's Dominican wisely textured-input, together they have helped me create beans any gourmet would love.  Habichuelas...

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Real men don't eat quiche? I don't even know if they're trendy anymore and I don't care. I don't think I'll ever dislike them, simple and delicious they're a comfort food and in my DNA! Pâte brisée (makes one large tart, or about 15 small...

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Croquant de noix Coco

Ever buy cookies from a store that isn't local and find that they generate intense cravings? Such a thing happened when my wife returned from Paris with a bag of Bonne Maman Croquant de Coco; a sort of sable cookie with an overload of coconut that make demolishing  a...

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I love brownies. And reading about the world's rising gluten intolerance on the Huffington Post Kitchen Daily, I found an interesting recipe from Ilva Berretta for chick pea and pecan gluten free brownies. The article made me wonder if my heavy wheat consumption is...

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Layer Cake… yes, sir!

During the last year of my army hitch I was given the task of being the overnight baker in my mess hall. It was a strange but happy time. The first pleasure came from listening to Jimi Hendrix on my radio, as opposed to my sergeant  barking orders at me. But the...

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