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Beta BreadStorm™

Key to baking is knowing the sequence of your formula, weights and measures. I was always taught to taste the dough, so you don't forget salt! Even with running back and forth from my computer to the bakers scale I've made errors, so I contacted Jacqueline...

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Whole Grain Fanette

"La Fanette" is a bread I've made with and without success. This time I made what Thierry Delabre calls his "hobby levain," a firm starter at 50% hydration,  all kamut rather then wheat. The spelt I used was whole grain, no white...

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Pizza At Home

The New York Times recently featured a piece about making pizza at home. The recipe came from Roberta's Pizza in Brooklyn. Looking at it with a slightly jaded eye, I still had to give it a go, maybe work on making it my way. So first, I punched in the...

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Chad Robertson/Ken Forkish

I have followed Chad Robertson's Tartine bread books, but with my "lazy baker" habits, schedule, and what-not, his approach challenges me. Recently I picked up Ken Forkish's book, which is really good and has led to some really nice bakes. Not that...

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Cured Eggs

When my old sous chef Bob del Grosso popped up with a post modern cured egg yolks in salt, I wasn't gonna miss that chance to try it.... Here is day one...only ten to salt cure then 30 days to dry in rice.  

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