Results for "Martin"

Martin Philip

Martin Philip

    Martin Philip's life has been a rich journey; from working in finance to pursuing his passion for music. Today he is baking ambassador for King Arthur Bakery. I first saw Martin via bread baking videos on the company website. Then I found his book...

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Jiffy Baguettes

Jiffy Baguettes

Recently I made what author/baker Martin Philip calls "jiffy baguette." It's a classic yeasted baguette, something most sourdough snobs would not attempt. But the formula reminded me of something baker Jeffrey Hamelman said around "baguettes classically should be made...

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Eliot Z. Felde & Breadcrumbs

Eliot Z. Felde & Breadcrumbs

Meet Eliot Z. Felde. He's one of the collaborators of an interesting new book, Breadcrumbs. An American now living in Berlin, Felde worked with a group of local artists to create something between an art book and a celebration of... well, the concept of sandwiches. As...

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Talking With Robert Segovia-Welsh

Robert Segovia-Welsh and me are very different guys. He lives in the ancient woods of North Carolina. I live in an ancient apartment building in central Queens.  He plays the banjo. I play poker.  He's a dad with kids. Me and my wife, we have cats. He runs his own...

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Bake Maiorca

As any regular reader here knows, I'm a big fan of using ancient grains. And you may have also noticed, I also don't always find it easy. That said, I'm also the world's leading lazy baker (or one of 'em), so sometimes...

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