A Stir The Pots Post

Just loafing around!

by | Nov 25, 2007 | Bread

Yesterday I nourished my starving stock levain in my fridge and was anxious to bake some loaves, but I knew I would have to make a yeasted or poolished loaf to await the levains bubbling and so I decided on a baguette. I chose for my sourdough a loaf from Dan Lepard’s book The handmade loaf, the Mill loaf to be exact. Being the lazy baker I had never successfully made this particular formula, most likely not paying attention to how or if I was feeding my levain’s . So I nourished my stock levain with a good quantity of flour and water  to make  two huge  loaves about 1000g’s each.Dan suggests trying other flours in the mix of this loaf so I added a small amount of my naked barley I picked up in Wales last august. Lazy baker that I am I tried to heed Dans really easy instructions for the loaves, this meant feeding my starter when I did would have me wake up at about 2:30 in the morning!Just like a real boulanger, just that I didn’t set my clock!  With a few glasses of wine in me  I fell asleep early and miraculously woke up exactly at the appointed time to hand knead both doughs and had bread on the breakfast table too boot! Pick up the book and try his awesome recipes, as well his British baking book which I hope is printing so I can get a copy!



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