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John Downes #repost

John Downes #repost

John Downes can be considered the father of the Australian sourdough bread movement.  I was introduced to him by bakers Graham Prichard and Dan Lepard. Downes has published multiple articles and books, celebrating food and baking history, as well as culture. It’s an...

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Gregoire Michaud #repost

Gregoire Michaud #repost

Twelve years ago at the end of August, a storm moved up the east-coast seaboard from the West Indies, battering New York City. Hurricane Irene swept through the city on a weekend when I was registered for a workshop with baker Gregoire Michaud. While it flooded the...

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Dieter Schorner #repost

Dieter Schorner #repost

For me, Dieter Schorner signified a past that was distant but so relevant to anyone running a restaurant.  Originally from Bavaria, Dieter baked pastries for everyone from plebians (like me) to high-and-mighty figures such as Jacqueline Onassis and Henry Kissinger. ...

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Dan Lepard #repost

Dan Lepard #repost

Dan Lepard's book, The Handmade Loaf, has been seminal in guiding me on everything from sour dough fermentation to shaping and baking all sorts of breads. Early when we launched Stir the Pots, I invited him for an interview.  Dan was kind enough to oblige us. The...

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Kruste & Krume

Kruste & Krume

Kruste & Krume bakers Barbara van Melle and Simon Wöckl have a wonderful YouTube channel. Shot in their Viennese bakery (and spoken in German), their videos have had me wanting to attempt some of their bread formulas. Here's some of what I tried, Spelt. Emmer....

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Martin Philip

Martin Philip

    Martin Philip's life has been a rich journey; from working in finance to pursuing his passion for music. Today he is baking ambassador for King Arthur Bakery. I first saw Martin via bread baking videos on the company website. Then I found his book...

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