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Amy Hedyatpour repost#

Amy Hedyatpour repost#

I first came to know Amy Hedyatpour through baker Brad Preznant. That was over 20 years ago.  Also known as Amy Glaze, she inspired me professionally for her backbone as an American (and a woman) navigating some of the world's most demanding and often macho kitchens,...

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Jacques Pepin #repost

Jacques Pepin #repost

Stir-the-Pots co-founder Jeremy Shapiro spent three years serving as a cook in the American army in Germany. After getting out of the military, Jeremy returned to the United States and went to study to become a chef under acque Pepin, who was teaching at New York’s...

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The Modern

The Modern

Celebrating my recent birthday on a Saturday afternoon, my wife brought me to one of the places where I started my career, the "members' only dining room " at New York's Museum of Modern Art. I had been back a few years ago at The Modern, the new public restaurant...

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La Tables de Nans

Visiting the south of France inspired both delight and anxiety. How to satisfy such great expectations? Well, I decided to book my restaurant reservations far in advance to ensure a table. My first stop was La Tables de Nans in Ciotat. Michelin awarded it one-star....

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As much as I dislike department store shopping, I love Nordstrom's New York City restaurant, Wolf. My wife introduced me to it, and periodically we visit for lunch. The menu is filled with fresh pastas and salads, along with a nod to Italian cuisine and use of local...

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Le St. Urbain

In 2012, visiting Montreal, I met Marc-Andre Royal at his restaurant, Le St. Urbain et Bête à pain. For whatever reason, at the time, I did not try any of his food. For my recent Montreal visit, I made sure to make a date with Marc-Andre. He warned me, "this time...

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