Over the New Year holidays I had time to bake with panettone sourdough. Using a three-time refreshed starter (along with three one-hour intervals between each) resulted in dough that was just the right texture and sweetness, at least for me. My last...
Our Favorite
Lior Lev Secarz #repost
As Stir the Pots reposts past interviews, we thought of Lior Lev Secarz. The man behind Spice Brothers, Lior is a spirit who radiates the humanity and love of life that seems so under attack in the nation where he was raised. Israel. Stir the Pots is the creation of...
Ian Lowe #repost
Ian Lowe is a transplanted Texan living in Tasmania. He's also one of the world's most knowledgeable figures in the world of baking bread. I first heard about him from fellow bakers who led me to his writing on The Fresh Loaf. Later I spent lots of time on his...
Kofta Kebab
Instead of burgers, why not offer kofta kebab for "staff meal?" Sometimes a bit of extra flare or puffy pita can pop the pleasure yearnings for a hungry staff. Kofta is a higher quality street food. Topped by a salad of fresh chickpeas, cucumber, tomatoes and more, it...
Home Sourdough
Just purchased the new Brod & Taylor Home for sourdough which is to maintain your schedule and temperature for your sourdough. First efforts were tricky and the dough or maybe sourdough didn't quite get the difference of how I used to maintain my starter in the...
The Modern
Celebrating my recent birthday on a Saturday afternoon, my wife brought me to one of the places where I started my career, the "members' only dining room " at New York's Museum of Modern Art. I had been back a few years ago at The Modern, the new public restaurant...
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