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Andrew Janjigian

Andrew Janjigian

  Photo credit : Melissa Rivard   Before devoting himself to baking, Andrew Janjigian worked in the biotech industry as an organic chemist. His background was probably great training for the world of baking bread, a...

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Remembering Thierry

Remembering Thierry

When it came to my baking mentor and friend, Thierry's formulas were often difficult to execute. But they have always proved well worth the challenge. My image of him in the kitchen is of a man tinkering and changing numbers on huge boards marked up with "sticky...

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Meeting Fulvio Marino

Meeting Fulvio Marino

It's always one of my dreams to enjoy real world meetings with people whom we have interviewed on our blog. Last week surfing Instagram, I noticed that bread baker Fulvio Marino was visiting New York City. Among his reasons for visiting NYC was to give demonstrations...

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Sonya Hundal

Sonya Hundal

Photo credit:Joel Blevins of WoodenBarn Media. Sonya Hundal is a baker and writer who specializes in wood-fired goods. Owner of Greenfield Bakers, a small bakery the rural English town of Friskney in the county of Lincolnshire. I met Sonya when we were both part of a...

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Pierluigi Mazzella

Pierluigi Mazzella

  Pierluigi Mazzella grew up on Italy's island of Ischia, which lies just off the coast of Naples. His father worked as a fisherman. Pierluigi followed a different craft, falling in love with baking. After several apprenticeships in Italy, Pierluigi made his way...

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Whole Grain Transition Class

With some time off from work, I took a class offered by the Bread Bakers Guild of America. Taught by Craig Ponsford, the class was focused on whole grain baking. It was conducted on Zoom and brought in 16 other students, from beginner to more advanced bakers. For me,...

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