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Micro bakery

Pierluigi Mazzella

Pierluigi Mazzella

  Pierluigi Mazzella grew up on Italy's island of Ischia, which lies just off the coast of Naples. His father worked as a fisherman. Pierluigi followed a different craft, falling in love with baking. After several apprenticeships in Italy, Pierluigi made his way...

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A Quick Bite

Here's a recent interview that featured Stir the Pots. More specifically, it was an interview with me (versus by me) on a West Coast radio show that runs Monday through Friday at noon and 9 p.m.   Thanks to my brother, now living in California, who...

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Micro-Baking into 2015

The Phoenix rises from crusty-ashes of an oven - all to say that my micro-baking is reborn. Stay tuned, as I report on my concentrated focus on creating great, marketable loaves of bread from the hot innards of my home kitchen. Watch me heavy-eyed and flour-covered...

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