Amy Scherber Is A Muse

Many years ago, I trailed Amy Scherber at her bakery. I remember the nights clearly, from baking and shaping loaves of bread to bagging them. Spending so much time bending over to make bread twists, I pulled muscles. That time left memories that still inspire me...

Apricot & Sage Bread

A few short stints at Amy Scherber's bakery one summer provided insight on the back-breaking work baking bread for a commercial bakery. At home, baking is much more luxurious, the only constraints a cramped NYC kitchen, an already-full bread box, and...


Sometimes choices between levain, commercial yeast or just a chunk of dough left behind from a recent bread dough, are just that – a choice. It's all on how to make your dough rise. For a long time,I preached that it was levain or nothing. Phewy! Yes I am a...