City Harvest

Being a city gardener means hanging pots on the railing of my fire escape. My acreage is small so my crops consist of mostly of herbs and lettuces. While in isolation, I’ve become a better farmer, too. In spite of soaring temperatures and squirrel attacks, I...
Daniel Agüera

Daniel Agüera

I met Pittsburgh-based suburban farmer/chef/author Daniel Agüera on FaceBook. Then one summer day, Daniel told me he and his wife were coming into the city and invited me to meet for breakfast. After that we stayed in touch and so recently, I invited him to talk about...

Support Your Local Farmer

A few weeks ago I was shopping for lettuces and dinner at a farmer's market. Found a nice-looking rack of  lamb from New York's Catskill Merino Sheep farm. Compared to the wholesale prices we pay at work for Colorado lamb, the local cut was pricier. That...