Philip Agnew

Philip Agnew

      I first  noticed Pip Agnew on his site, The Fresh Loaf blog  Filled with his personal baking notes and photographs of his home baked breads, it followed his journey from the beginnings into the ranks of professional baker. Inspired by his wonderful looking...
Carlo Di Cristo #repost

Carlo Di Cristo #repost

Carlo Di Cristo is an Italian zoologist and neuroscientist who became fascinated with the world of wild yeast. The one-time professor left the halls of academia to become a full time baker of bread and pastry. His first entry was a blog he called The Soul Crumbs...

Pizza fermentation with sponges

Poolish (or sponges) is made from equal parts flour and water, along with variable amount of either yeast or sourdough. Lately I've started using it for breads and pizza. It's worked particularly well for pizza. I took cues from Salvatore Kosta at Foorn. I...

Lievito Madre

The holidays led to spending a lot of time with lievito madre, the wonderful sourdough foundation of baking panettone. Refreshed and bathed to cleanse residual acidity, it demands three-hour feeds that are cycled in-between for double mixes. It comes with the need to...

More Panettone

After my last post on panettone, I worried about future efforts. Inspired by a New York City visit of Linda Nicholson I made another batch. Hooray!