La Tables de Nans

Visiting the south of France inspired both delight and anxiety. How to satisfy such great expectations? Well, I decided to book my restaurant reservations far in advance to ensure a table. My first stop was La Tables de Nans in Ciotat. Michelin awarded it one-star....

French Bread

Some Frenchmen claim that bread is in decline in this nation that is known for treasured loaves. Apparently, French kids are as crazy as their American cousins for snacks like Doritos. But it’s too easy to blame the young. Honestly, initially during my summer...


My eight-hour flight to France  made me feel like an aging sardine; dry, brittle, and salty. Also, awfully eager to slip into a tub of water. But by the next day, luxuriating in Cassis, well, I was on vacation. More, I was vacationing in a country where citizens...

Bocuse ( Brasserie Le Sud ) – Summer Trip Post #15

Assumption Day in Lyon and nowhere to eat. Why not Bocuse? Ok, so even if  I did leave the following day on the TGV and pass his namesake restaurant at Collonges-au-Mont-d’Or,  while leaving Lyon; we made up for it by  trying Brasserie le Sud a Mediterranean...