Our Favorite


Basile’s Baguette

Basile Kamir is a legendary Paris-based boulanger I have always wanted to meet. Visiting France a few years ago, I managed to find his bakery. It was August. He was closed. Damn! But I did buy a bread book he wrote, and have been trying some formulas, most...

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Baguettes Gone Wild

Here's a version of sourdough baguettes, benefit of Ian Lowe's Dropbox. Besides using his indirect retarding method before, this levain was spiked with a bit of sugar, something I had never considered. What came out? The best tasting and structured...

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While I've been sort of mute of late, it's due primarily to my getting the flu. I haven't baked, cooked or even made coffee all week. Well, enough is enough. Craving a decent loaf, I refreshed my levain and made three loaves. Or was it four? Whatever, most...

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Wild Yeast Baguette

Inspired by Gregoire Michaud's EM micro-organism baguettes, I made a batch with wild yeast. The results were amazing.  The crust was somewhat soft but still had an eggshell. And the crumb? Sublime and filled with the "Special K...

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Baguette Tradition (Louis Lamour)

Back to Louis Lamour's baguette tradition. Baked a few batches, including one for a charity function. Louis' formula is a sure path to a perfect Parisian baguette. And the steps are simple; autolyse, bassinage and retarde! If those terms are...

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Bulk Baguette

Trying to test all of the invaluable formulas found on Ian Lowe's Instagram Dropbox feed, I recently gave a go to his bulk retard baguettes. Not a stranger to cold bulk baguettes, this formula led me to amazing results. Less chewy then the usual levain style...

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