While waiting on a technician to fix my ovens keyboard pad, I've been reduced to using my mini toaster oven in the mean time. Not too many successes, but being deprived a loaf a day is a drag. And when finally the technician did show and had the wrong part again he...
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New Oven
Imagine, an entire week and no chance to bake! A lesser bread-geek might be devastated. Me, I kept my weeping to a minimum by added doses of cursing the blowhards known as America's Republican presidential candidates. That and gnawed on rusks...
Oven Off
Baking before last week's blizzard, I noticed lack of oven spring in a miche. Worse, 40 minutes into the bake, I spotted an uneven color. The next day I went to turn on my oven. It was dead. This has happened twice in my kitchen. I did manage to put out a few...
Earth to Cuisinart, My Oven (Your Oven) Just Died
My Cuisinart BRK-200 died this week. As many loaves and stuff I roasted in that thing, the writing was on the wall. But what a dissapointment after so many nice things came out of it including porchetta, croissants, muffins, chickens, and the list goes on. I tweeted...
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