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Wine Tasting

The other day attended The DSWS Annual Grand Portfolio Tasting. Held at New York's Four Season's hotel restaurant, packed with wine buyers, chefs and producers, the evening consisted of a buzz of wine speak, swishes, sniffing, spittoons and clink of...

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To All The Wines I Drunk Before

Like boxes of chocolate, you never know what a bottle of wine will bring.  Learning to read the label helps! It helps, too, if - like me - you have  a brother who is a wine geek. Recently he moved out to work in a northern Californian winery in a...

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Dee Ann Quinones

  To help guide me into the new world of cocktails and wine, I decided to ask one of Los Angeles' top mixologist. Her name is Dee Ann Quinones. She agreed to to talk to me about her work, especially  how she pairs a myriad of flavors to a thirsty...

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