Wolfgang Süpke #repost

Wolfgang Süpke #repost

When looking for guidance on baking German breads, Wolfgang Süpke is my inspiration, whether referring to older posts from his blog – Bäcker Süpke  – or more recently on his instagram, where he details current baking with his son Paul. He’s a...
Lior Lev Secarz #repost

Lior Lev Secarz #repost

As Stir the Pots reposts past interviews, we thought of Lior Lev Secarz. The man behind Spice Brothers, Lior is a spirit who radiates the humanity and love of life that seems so under attack in the nation where he was raised. Israel. Stir the Pots is the creation of...
Amy Hedyatpour repost#

Amy Hedyatpour repost#

I first came to know Amy Hedyatpour through baker Brad Preznant. That was over 20 years ago.  Also known as Amy Glaze, she inspired me professionally for her backbone as an American (and a woman) navigating some of the world’s most demanding and often macho...
Amy Scherber #repost

Amy Scherber #repost

  Amy Scherber has over spent three decades honing her expertise in baking, bread, and running a food business. I have followed her for years. In fact, as we published here, she was a genuine muse for me. Back when I had a bit more time on my hands, I volunteered...
Linda Miller Nicholson #repost

Linda Miller Nicholson #repost

We first found Linda Miller Nicholson through her site, Salty in Seattle.  She inspired us with positivity, pasta and smile. Linda’s a wonderful woman, chef, and overall creative talent.  She made a name for her brilliant exploration of pasta in everything from...