
No mortar and pestle available, but I had a huge bunch of basil. Better use it before the bunch went south. Which of course demands pesto. Recalling Samin Nosrat’s Genoan-based epside of Salt,Fat,Acid,Heat, I tried the recipe. Wow, taking her tip of one single...


In the past few weeks, I've been using up odds-and-ends from my larder. Some dried chilies and olives led me to create a batch of condiments, in this case, a tapenade, the silky black olive paste from Provence. Being a favorite of mine, I opted for David...

Bagnet Vert

Salsa verde in Spanish. Pesto in Italian gastronomy. These green sauces do travel. Bagnet vert is one of these dishes that I was introduced to by baking friend Barbara Elisi. She recently posted this recipe on her blog. Made with capers, parsley,olive oil,...

Trapanese Pesto

Why I haven't gone to Sicily, or just Italy, beats me. Money? Time? Both! Whatever, I need to offload the excuses given the depth of their food and wine culture. Which brings me to my first sampling of Trapanese pesto, an almond, basil, and tomato infused paste....