Baloise Bread

Pain Baloise (Baseler brot) comes from my sister's region of Switzerland. While visiting her a few  summer's ago, I enjoyed a loaf baked by our friend Daniel. It's made with a half-white flour known as "Bise" Feeling nostalgic, I...


As usual my sister is filled with a busy schedule, and that includes making läckerli, my brother in-laws favorite go to cookie for office parties; and it's no wonder for the taste of  the Baselland delicacy, of a nut and spiced baked cookie lingers if they...

Baking in Switzerland

Here are some of the breads I baked while visiting my sister in Switzerland.   

Swiss Levain – Summer Post Trip #4

When I arrived in Lampenberg, Switzerland to visit my sister, my sister had a container of sourdough /levain waiting for me. When I popped the lid, the aroma was… well, "unique." Apparently she had given it a dose of home-made pine syrup. Shots below...

Basler Brot

Waxing for some Swiss bread,  I whipped up a "Basler Brot." Like most breads made in Switzerland, it has its own distinctive flavor. This bread, made with an extracted wheat flour, is said to be shaped like the city of Basel and its...