A Stir The Pots Post

Dan Lepard

by | Jul 31, 2005 | Bakers


Dan Lepard, author of The Handmade Loaf and Baking With Passion, a brilliant baker originally from Australia now living in London, talks with Jeremy about baking around the world. Check out Dan's own website where his generous spirit prevails, offering the world paths to great food, particularly anything with flour.


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  1. Martin Prior

    It is interesting to note that Dan mentioned that we are trying to produce bread as it was once produced. I often tell my classes that when I was born (I am 61) it was just after the WWII. We still had rationing into the fifties, so we did not have a lot of sweets, sugar, meat. My Mother and my Grandmother both cooked all their own meals, cakes, biscuits etc, using what ingredients they could get. Many of our vegetables still came from our garden, which every family created during the WWII. So I have always considered myself fortunate that I was brought up during this time. Home cooked food from fresh ingredients, little sugar, little meat. Thats the way my wife and I live now.
    Martin Prior

  2. Jeremy

    Hi Martin,
    Great to see you listened to the interview and visited my site, I should do a story about my Mom when she grew up with a farming family in the southeastern Alp maritime during the war!
    How people shared a communal oven, slaughtered the animals! I always chuckle about how people want to return to hard work when so many are so hooked on modern life, maybe that reflects so many of the problems we have today?


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