A Stir The Pots Post

Noel Comess

by | Sep 3, 2006 | Bakers

Bakery sign

Bakery Tom Cat

Noel Comess is an icon in NYC and in American artisan baking,some may disagree saying he has become a factory slinging out so called “artisan” bread.Whatever opinion you might draw he started out small and well as he say’s ,”the stuff just gets bigger!” Noel was kind enough to give me a tour of the bakery and let me see the otherside of baking that I haven’t seen, on the way home  balancing freshly baked breads he put in a bag and I held on precariously too on my handle bars of my bike, I couldn’t wait to bite off a piece of baguette and slather some butter on its crumb!

Tomcat-Noel Comess 3


Comess baker


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