A Stir The Pots Post

Bread Only!

by | May 4, 2007 | Bread

Ok so I can be obsessive about bread……but there isn’t anything finer then some fresh baked bread and a challenge of making two doughs at 4 am especially after a long work week in the kitchen and stressing out on how long my levain had been fermenting without me because I was stuck with an extra shift! So much for following a schedule to bake!
I had a ciabatta bread and baguette on the brain and was trying a new ciabatta posted at Dan Lepards site by excel spreadsheet maker extraordinaire  Gavin’s post. The other the ever mysterious but most common loaf, le baguette! This formula was found on the French baking site with some lovely classics.
Nothing better than a little butter, jam and cheese on either one of these lovely loaves!


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