A Stir The Pots Post

Nina’s simple rye, only if your Nina!

by | Nov 4, 2007 | Bread

The final loaf in my Marathon day trio was a two day bread which I previously made with some success but not as wonderful as the original I tasted in Wales at Bethesdabakin.  Nina who baked it is a co-forum member of both Graham Prichard’s Oz site as well as Dan Lepards ,let me tell you she can bake a mean rye loaf! Not an easy feat for us wheat bread bakers, my next challenge will be to conquer spelt, but that is another post! Nina has a loaf called a simple Danish rye, it has a deep taste that is so delicious, but upping my ante I added in some grains, hemp (Nils!) and some beer instead of all water to make some mini loafs! Sorry haven’t cut it yet for a crumb shot,it is  just out of the oven and Nina suggest letting it rest 24 to 48 hours to set the rye crumb. That being the case I can only enjoy feeling it’s light rather than usual brick weight which is sometimes the case when trying to make a rye at 100%. Right now I can only admire the fork tine marks that I docked on the chestnut brown loaf, some of the seeds sticking out from mini loaf.

Tak Nina! (Note: Loaf looked great till I sliced it, it had a little open top and looked as if it didn’t rise a bit? Hmmm, waiting for a message from Nina!)


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