A Stir The Pots Post

Landbrot 60/40

by | Dec 1, 2007 | Bread

It’s been a sort of quest of late, like the holy grail or at least a wish to bake a decent loaf of rye for some time now like my friend Nina
in Denmark who makes a mean 100% rye.X061017_rug

so I refreshed some starters for a bake-athon weekend with the first out of the oven being a Landbrot with some gewürze I bought in Maisprach this summer!  I dug through my baking school recipes choosing Landbrot a 60/40 loaf of wheat and rye. Being cautious I decided to make life easy, a touch of commercial yeast in case my rye starter was not too awake, then I forgot completely to mix half whole wheat and white flour for a sort of bise flour  effect, as the recipe called for whole wheat in the final dough.Then I could smell the gewürze in my baking bin wafting so I added it in. Gewürze are generally comprised of  fennel, coriander,cumin and caraway spice that are common in German and Swiss breads, though I have even seen pepper added in for certain loaves. This time too I was actually being an observant baker, no notes, but not my usual "lazy baker" routine. Times were maintained, mixing,pre-shaping, shaping and even the slashing of the loaves! First observations from the oven to cooling rack, a nice caramel color with definite spice smell and a light loaf, probably the added commercial yeast! Sourdough purists, forgive me!Cimg4603



  1. Nils

    True, a little yeast in 60/40 loaves doesn’t hurt. Those look great.

  2. Jeremy

    Hey, Nils thanks, making your brotzeit bread, with hemp of course! I am hooked I guess?


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