A Stir The Pots Post

Pigging out!

by | Dec 13, 2007 | pictures

Last night was our annual Christmas party, one of those traditional buffet deals with a turkey dressed in chaud froide and covered with vegetable designs! When I first took over the duties of making this piece I had never thought about how really old school it is, but while reading Marco Pierre Whites book, he mentions the hams that they would make in a hotel he worked in the 70’s! So I guess there is still a place for it and this year I really took my time to make a real Matisse,as one of the cooks called it! When we finally hauled the food up onto the table to be laid out. We caught our breaths, that is when I suddenly realized that it was only Wednesday and we had another two monster events in the next two days! I surveyed the tables from behind the bar, chatting it up with our bartender, when a member of the board saluted me. He asked how I was hanging on for the duration, I told him we would make it through, no problem! No matter that we were overbooked and the waiters were screwing up the service at lunch today, no,no problem!

Since I haven’t really had a minute to snap pics of exciting dishes I would leave this one as an idea of how I feel about this gluttonous time of the year! Ho,ho,ho!
Thats all folks!


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