A Stir The Pots Post

3 for Nils

by | Jan 7, 2008 | Bread

Recently I left a comment on my friend Nils’s site about forgetting quoting Goethe and just keep baking! Just wanted to apologize and to show Nils I wasn’t lying about the three loaves I made either, it would’nt seem right that he should make a loaf and I wouldn’t?

So the first is Nick Greco’s levain which I made before and I really like!

Next is a loaf that had some bad luck slipping off the edge of my baking stone! It’s the castaigne (chestnut) loaf or I guess a good name would be kastanien laib or chestnut loaf. I will work on not screwing up the shape next time, as the taste is intense with some good sheeps cheese, formidable!

And finally the old seigle rustique with raisins and walnuts, dense but also a keeper, though I may increase the levain % next try or even make a firm levain to see what the texture would be like?

Any way Nils eat your heart out, though I think I want to since you have that awesome bread book from Austria!

Brotzeit is to you too!Cimg4762


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