A Stir The Pots Post

Bagels (sourdough of course!)

by | Jan 29, 2008 | Bread

Talk about an icon, the bagel. Toasted with butter, schmeared with cream cheese or some smoked salmon, it’s definitely a must for baking especially sourdough!
My friend Dom from Oz of Bethesdabakin has kindly posted a formula on Dan Lepards site, I also used  Nancy Silverton’s  formula from her La  Brea bread book with great results!


Just Baked Bageli

New York’s once famous Jewish neighborhood the lower eastside  has long since vanished save a few relics like Kossars who make a mean bialy or Katz’s with their famous sandwiches(scuttle but is that it will soon shut down!). It say’s a lot about where you live when you can’t get a Jewish rye or pumpernickel or bagel from a local bakery, seems our culinary traditions are waining even in the so called capital of food! Montreal bagels are the cousins up north who traditionally bake the bagels in wood fired ovens and enrich the dough with egg? Sounds like they have the idea on how to make a good product Make a bagel and schmear it, they are good eats!


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