A Stir The Pots Post

Mother Teresa, Northwest sourdough

by | Feb 16, 2008 | Bread

Recently I was googling for desem formulas, desem is a levain that was developed by a family of Flemish bakers, it has a strong rise and noted for it’s mild not so sour flavor. When I happened on an old forum mate from Graham Prichards sourdough.au site, Teresa the Northwest sourdough maven and baker extraordinaire! I made pretext to comment on her post on desem, when she replied pointing out  the direction of her well described method for making this rather tedious levain, best thing was she offered to send me a sample of her own stock desem! So it’s arrived and I set the wheels in motion and got the sample fed and it’s sitting in my bag of whole wheat flour, I just feel like peeking!

Thanks Theresa, I think I’ll send you a sample of some granny smith apple starter to you as soon as I figure out how to make as beautiful a package that you sent me!



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