A Stir The Pots Post

Halo Vincent! Oui?

by | Jun 15, 2008 | Bakers


A few posts back I introduced a young baker working in London, a Frenchmen who learned his craft in England. Since my last post and a few e-mails, I finally got in touch with Vincent Talleu, (The Baker). This impromptu interview he gave was off the cuff, as he was talking literally on route from a trial stage at a bakery in the sunny part of France close  to Nice. Hear what Vincent had to say…and thank you, David, for the questions and initiating the conversation.

P.S. Vincent, don’t forget to get some more baking porn up on your site!


Click to listen


  1. Doughman

    Great interview with Vincent. I was surprised that he moved back to France in a jiffy. It would be interesting to hear how making bread in France is different or same from making bread in the UK. I am not at all surprise by what he said that French bakers pay close attention to the dough development properties.

  2. Jeremy

    Thanks Doughman,
    U weren’t the only one surprised, I was lucky I got in touch with him on his bike on the way home from a trial at a bakery!
    French bakers are intuitive,but I think that can be said of all bakers in general, even lazy ones like me!


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