A Stir The Pots Post

Janedo’s Light rye like Paul Nury

by | Oct 25, 2008 | Bread

Having a levain that is alive and well is a "good thing", as Martha would say!  Today I used techniques from several sources, but was especially inspired by Janedo at au levain,
who recently wrote about  baguettes,on how to maintain a levain…etc,
this lady knows baking. All good if you’re not so lazy like me, but I
am starting to follow some of her good advice, keeping my levain fed
even though the poor blob is in my fridge in a dormant state, hasn’t
been fed in over a week and has just a bit of hooch on top, no matter I
had to make this bread.

I just took a spoon out from the frigid mass and fed it a couple
times, were in business! With my October sort of busy, baking has been
relegated to the the back burner so to speak, so I go on guerrilla
missions during breaks from work or on the weekend to get my pain quotidien! Jane
has this particular loaf which I scoped out at the Fresh Loaf comes out of Dan Leaders
Local breads, with some adaptions from Jane and my own use of my 100%
hydrated and under maintained levain. I followed Janes formula to the
teeth, well not so close, I did fold, retarded overnight, then let the
dough warm up after about 2-3 hours, formed it loosley with the seam
down in a couche and proofed another hour and plof into a 425 F
pre-heated creuset like Jim Lahey
method. Wow! What a loaf, light and beautiful crust, can’t wait to cut
into it and give it something like cheese or a saucisson!


Jane’s Light rye like Nury

First feeding: 12-15 hours

13g flour                        (Jane uses 3/4 white- 1/4 rye in her feed)

13g water

7g starter

Second feeding:12-15 hours

33g Flour

33g water

33g Starter


100g Levain

385g bread flour

100g rye

400g water

10g salt

Make starter, I do two feeds according to my buddy Mister Bethesda himself, Mick!

Put the flour and water into a mixing bowl, combine till just
incorporated into a rough dough. I even let myself follow Janes 30
minute autolyse.  Then add in salt, starter and continue to mix.  The
dough is wet but will come together. Though it is hydrated, it’s not as
loose as I thought it would be. My dough came together like a nice
ball.i didn’t have to add extra flour, I guess it all depends on the
flour, water and temperature of your kitchen and ingredients?

Jane suggests putting it in an oiled bowl,( I never do).Rest one
hour, fold, rest an hour, fold, rise another 2 hours, then in the
fridge over night.

The next day, pull the dough out,I let the dough sit for 2 hours or
more and fored into a rough boule. Cover and let rise about 1-2 or 3
hours depending on the condition and strength of your levain.

Preheat at 230°C- 445 F°, steam the oven lots, in goes the bread.
Turn the oven down to 210°C 410 F° I baked for 35-40 minutes ( As well
I used a creuset, 30 minutes with top and then the rest of the time off
until nicely browned!)

I didn’t score the loaf, just put the seam side up, wow tasty too!
Went with a chicken salad that was a knock off of a Waldorf salad.

Thanks Jane!


  1. Jude

    Nice crumb… I’ve been following Janedo’s exploits, too.

  2. Jeremy

    She makes some mean loaves doesn’t she?
    I just been playing with the Monge baguette from Kayser, the post will be up soon!


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