A Stir The Pots Post

Rustic in nature, but rye in demeanor Rustikale Brötchen

by | Nov 8, 2008 | Bread



Since getting my baguettes right, I decided to concentrate my efforts on some German rye and whole grain loaves. Honestly, there have been noticeable improvement in my endeavors so far. My second (or maybe it was my fifth!) attempt at a Volkornbrot was tasty. But honestly, it came out with a blown top. I dunno what that effect is called, but it didn’t stop me from garnishing this toothy loaf with cheese and sausages.


Point being????? Fellow culinary artistes, arrivistes, never-mind good old fashion & new fashion bakers, yee should not be  dissuaded. No, yee shan’t. Or shouldn’t!

Myself, I flipped through my multitude of recipes in books, spreadsheets and found a loaf that sounded monolithic – aka easy to make. Then preparing the sauer that proofed at least 18 hours for the following day’s bake, dropping zeroes from final numbers on the PDF file found on the website of Böcker sauerteig, I played it safe until feeling safe by going for a larger percentage of rye.

Point being????? What I’m suggesting below is a recipe that uses 70 percent wheat to 30 percent rye sort of a country loaf, and it could be turned into Brötchen rather than the huge three pounder I made here! The verdict, quick and easy, and good with some leberwurst I got from my butcher!

Point being??? Enjoy!

Rustikale Brötchen

1-stufige Sauerteigführung mit    Reinzucht-Sauerteig

(für 10 kg Gesamt-Mehlmenge berechnet)
30% Roggenmehl – 70% Weizenmehl 550

Sauerteig: 0,120 kg Anstellgut*
1,200 kg Roggenmehl Teigausbeute:  180 (ca.)
0,960 l Wasser                  Teigtemperatur:  28°C
2,280 kg Sauerteig               Stehzeit:  18 Stunden
Anstellgut = BÖCKER Reinzucht-Sauerteig oder Betriebs-Sauerteig, mit BÖCKER Reinzucht-Sauerteig gestartet

Brötchenteig: 2,160 kg Sauerteig
1,800 kg Roggenmehl
7,000 kg Weizenmehl 550 Teigknetung:
0,280 kg Brötchen-Backmittel Hubkneter: 1+4 Minuten
5,540 l Wasser (ca.) Spiralkneter: 1+3 Minuten
0,200 kg Salz Teigausbeute:  165 (ca.)
0,400 kg Hefe                      Teigtemperatur:  26°C
17,380 kg Brötchenteig            Teigruhe:  10 Minuten

Ballengare:   10 Minuten
Ballengewicht:   1700 – 1800 g

Nach der Ballengare Teig abpressen und nur teilen. Leicht mit Roggenmehl besieben.

Gärzeit:   40 Minuten (ca)
Backtemperatur:   230 – 240°C
Backzeit:   20 – 25 Minuten
leicht Schwaden geben

I adjusted my yeast to only 15g, it seemed like too much

You’ll notice I just crossed off the zero’s and went ahead and made this dough, it’s suggested by Dieter Buschmann to make  Brötchen at about 60grams.


  1. Susan/Wild Yeast

    What are the chances you could be persuaded to give us an English translation?

  2. Jeremy

    It would be possible! I will send you a copy when I get two seconds, busy at work!

  3. Norbert Vollkornbrot

    Yes, Please, post an Eeengleesh version of dis. Eeet is my best-a langwidge dat I know.


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