This post isn’t anything to do with the Wall Street type of derivatives. Rather it’s an homage to a bakery “down under,” namely in Australia. Sydney’s Bourke Street bakery is owned by Paul Allam and David McGuinness. It’s a much talked about neighborhood bakery that also has a book chock-full of wonderful baked goods.
While I haven’t been to visit yet, my friend Shiao-Ping talked about the book on The Fresh Loaf, motivating me to buy it. So far I used its recipes for two or three loaves, all with pretty good success. It offers easy-to-use formulas for more experienced bakers, but it’s also a good starter material for beginners.
Today’s bake was one of there so called derivative loaves, a sourdough-meets-linseed-and-soy. It’s easily made and sports an awesome flavor. I think it’s sure to become a staple. My neighbors Jane and Adrian, serving as bread guinea pigs, were my first customers. While slathering the freshly baked loaf with French butter, Jane asked if I was baking another loaf, as this one was halfway gone!