A Stir The Pots Post

Smokey Freekeh

by | Jul 27, 2011 | Freekeh

Ever since I first saw a bag of a Middle Eastern grain called "freekeh" in a Lebanese food store I was curious. So I picked up a bag and, on first try, cooked it to a porridge consistency. But on further exploration, I found that this unique green wheat once roasted (sometimes whole or cracked), is delicate. It can be used in all sorts of dishes. It also can be prepared in many ways like rice.

I decided to use it for a pilaf salad. My mom had some garden Japanese eggplant, so we married it with some lamb. The results are below.


You don't see the freekeh, but grains are down there. It's got this wonderful taste. I am working on incorporating it into a bread on my next try!




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