A Stir The Pots Post

Olive bread, Part 1.

by | Oct 25, 2011 | Bread


The olive bread above was made with a formula originating from my short summer stint at Bouley Bakery, a great place now defunct. Those late night Fridays after a regualar eight hours at work were difficult, but I was able to get some insight on a totally different perspective – the baker's shift. Just watching the bakers pitting endless amounts of olives for the next day's batch of bread, all the while tending the nights bake, was a lesson and a reason to go back and try this loaf.



Olive bread


My levain build is a two stage feed. 100 Percent flour, water and 50% starter.


20% levain

90% Bread flour

10% rye (medium or whole grain)

50% water

2% salt

35% Olives

10% Olive oil



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