A Stir The Pots Post

Buckwheat/Spelt bread

by | Apr 14, 2012 | Bread



Above is a photo of a bread baked from a formula below, which I found on this Austrian bakery site. First efforts yielded something dry, perhaps from using too much whole grain spelt. The next batch, I split it in half with white spelt, and used a rye levain. Lacking flax seeds, I opted for hemp. The first rise was rapid, as I had my bowl over the oven where I was making pizza. Once I'd recovered the dough and gave it a simple shape and roll in hemp seed, it took no longer then a half hour to come to proof. This is a keeper, with a nutty spelt flake and nuiance of buckwheat. The hempseed is always good too, very nutty with no side effects.



  1. kim

    i love spelt bread. Do you know of any NYC bakeries that bake their own? THanks!

  2. Jeremy

    Orwashers on the east side does…Maybe Landbrot, but I haven’t been yet..

  3. lyn gibson

    where is the recipe for this bread? Sorry – you mention that the formula “is below” but I cant find it. The bread looks amazing

  4. Jonitin

    Lyn, link to exact formula wasn’t working so I posted my copy!


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