A Stir The Pots Post

The Dutch

by | Mar 20, 2013 | Chefs, Restaurants

For some time I've wanted to try Chef Andrew Carmellini's  Soho restaurant, "The Dutch." Described on the website as "a neighborhood restaurant serving American food," that proved accurate but somewhat understated. It's a lot more. While simple, it's the simplicity that is the distillation of brilliant expertise, something I'd love to find in my neighborhood local "spots," or for that matter in most restaurants.

Though I tried and wanted to snap photo's, the lights were dim. Besides, I was too busy tearing apart crawfish tails, sipping wine, devouring my meal, all the while trying to follow my mom's advice to "chew slowly" and "savor." It was easy to savor, but difficult to slow down. Everything was so good!

Monsieur Carmellini, a thanks and bow in your general direction, and hope that I can eat at all your venues, only to be blown away again, and again!



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