A Stir The Pots Post


by | Oct 15, 2013 | Bread, Sourdough

My friend Michele Forgione has been asking me to make Italian bread. I'm his go to guy for bread it seems! I teased him with Ciriola. It's a roll from the Lazio region, with a tight white crumb and crisp egg shell crust, a perfect foil for a sandwich. I made this version with a 10 percent addition of sourdough, rather then the classic yeasted straight dough. Both the bulk and final proofs are increased a bit. But being small rolls (weighing between 70-100 grams) the fermentation time is relatively short.

My "lievitiazione naturale" (or sourdough) was firm, having had a double feeding designed to provide this slashed pannino with a healthy oven spring. What's lovely is the golden crust from the addition of olive oil, similar to a Biove, which has lard and a similar shape. Stay tuned!


The plus side is it keeps fresh for a couple days, without staling like a straight dough would. So Michele, here is Ciriola per te amico!




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