A Stir The Pots Post


by | Feb 4, 2014 | Bread

When first starting to bake bread, I asked bakers around the world to share recipes with me. While going through old notes, I found an old email with a formula for a landbrot, a German rye shared with me by Biobäckerei Wagner in Rudertinger Germany.

In his wise words to a budding baker, he wrote, "Sourdough bread is complicated. You need a lot of experience. Anyway good luck!" After multiple second-rate results, I think I might of gotten it right. Finally! Here is my adaption, using just sourdough. Danke, backermeister Wagner!

100% rye Landbrot  (%)


1 Comment

  1. YayaOrchid

    Yea!! Your site is back- thank you so much for sharing your recipe. Any chance you could post actual amounts of ingredients- I tried dwnldg the Breadstorm trial offer but was unable to. Thank you!


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