A Stir The Pots Post

Answering Lutz Geißler’s Challenge

by | Apr 7, 2014 | Bread

Baker Lutz Geißler has put up a challenge worthy of the phrase, "give 10 bakers a recipe and you'll get ten different breads!" Well, I've plotzed! I tried some yeasted poolish version, which was by no means slow bread…it was huge, but taste albeit softic for my penchant for crust.


My second attempt was with backferment, which was pretty, but leaden and unedible, with a crumb dense and unevenly riddled with mouse holes!


Third bread was really hydrated, and still had a nice crumb but was impossible to shape and or get oven spring for a good loaf. I have till the 17th of April, feels like I may just may make the deadline!


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