A Stir The Pots Post

Amylase This

by | Jul 7, 2014 | Bread, Fermentation, Flour

Where autolyse is a traditional bread baking technique used to break down gluten and lessen the kneading process, amylase are the enzymes that empower that process. Having observed weak flour in recent autolyzed loaves (e.g. no open crumb, failure to easily absorb water, etc.) I started to wonder whether the process was working. So I queried a number of bakers and some of the solutions I found were helpful.

1. Less sourdough

2. Less hydration

3. Make cookies and pies instead.

4. Hand mix

5. Lots of folds

6. Cold bulk fermentation.

7. Firm levain

Incorporating some of these ideas, I got some nice loaves. 

Below are some before and after!

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  1. Maria Teresa

    Good suggestions! I experienced some of these, recently I’ve used less sourdough and kneaded the dough less than usually, by hand, S&F, not so much.
    I don’t understand when and why the autolysis process works well.
    Only with strong flour? I don’t know.
    What do you think about?

  2. Jonitin

    Maria Teresa, it’s best with stronger flours because it reduces the amount of mixing, by adding water and mixing and autolyse you allow the enzymes to break down the protein and starches which in effect make for less kneading…like pre digesting the dough!


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