Rome the empire that built roads and conquered lands, also harvested and sowed their grain to feed a growing empire and army. As a bread basket of grain from far off lands, Rome incorporated new crops; rye, buckwheat, einkorn(emmer), and farro (spelt) – the last hybridized with other wheat which became our modern variety.
The British Museum's exhibit on Pompei recently had a viral video that featured a Roman bread that survived in an oven from the cataclysmic volcanic eruption that covered it. The site also offers a recipe for this loaf from a 79 AD oven. Marie Claude of MC Farine saw problems with it, pointing out that we would not have access to the same flours. Not quite convinced, I mixed my own version, with wheat, barley, millet, rye, buckwheat, farro and durum – all part of the greater Empire's grain supply. Mine is all sourdough, no gluten or commercial yeast need apply!
Nice – I was fascinated, too, when I read Farine’s post. Barbara posted her idea of an old Roman loaf a while ago, too.
Would you disclose your formula to this Awed Admirer of your prolific productions?
Karin, for you of course…but dming it..because I want to hold it for my book…if I ever write it…and this may get tweaked too.