A Stir The Pots Post


by | Mar 16, 2015 | Baking, Bread

Babka and Mackowiec are East European bakery favorites of mine. Sadly, in today's New York City, where neighborhood bakers are now just a memory, these pastries are usually relegated to hazy nostalgia versus the experience of an actual savory bite. What's a person to do? Make some at home.

Recently I made a batch using a sourdough challah formula from Michelle Eshkeri of The Lavendar Bakery. Look up her challah photos on Instagram. They're amazing, especially those with sourdough. Anyway, wanting a Mackowiec similar to the poppyseed rolls still baked freshly in Brooklyn's Polish Greenpoint neighborhood) I made hybridized version that combined the poppyseeds with honey, walnuts and raisins.

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  1. Janet

    Beautiful! Will have to try this. Care to share any tips on the levain?

  2. Michelle

    Lovely post and photos! The poppy seed filling looks so good.


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