"Brotgewürz" describes a set of spices used for dark breads baked in Austria, Switzerland, and Germany. Creating both a taste profile and digestive properties, it includes caraway, coriander, and fennel. If you're lucky enough to find it, some bakers also include an herb known as "schabzigerklee" (or "blue fenugreek"), though if you can't find that, anise is a fine substitute.
You'll find this set of spices used in breaads such as "Southern Tyrolean Vinschgauer" or loaves like the "Roggenmischbrot." On my last visit to Germany, I bought a few packets of brotgwürze, but have since used it all. Grinding a fresh batch at home, I found it permeates a bread nicely. Or, as they say in Germany, "lecker!"