A Stir The Pots Post

Detmolder Einstufenführung – A Sourdough Baking Process

by | Nov 22, 2017 | Bread, Fermentation

"Detmold Einstufenführung" is the name of a German process developed in the late-1950s for their larger bakeries, and was designed to produce daily sourdough bread in bulk. Below is a shortened version that offers a way to create a mature sourdough within 16 hours. The sourdough can last five-to-ten hours without requiring refrigeration or continuous retardation. Though it doesn't heighten the flavor profile as much as a three-step detmolder, it does lower the prep time.

  Download DetmolderSingleBuild-1



  1. Volodiya

    Hello, can you please recommend few books about advanced German baking techniques and practices ? I’m interested in books for professionals and/or advanced bakers.
    Thank you


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