A Stir The Pots Post

Malzstück (Aromastück©) – Bread Enhancer

by | Feb 12, 2019 | Bread

If you find your sourdough ryes lacking in flavor and strength trying aromastuck. It is a German bread enhancer similar to tangzhong, a water roux with the addition of malt. Its enzymatic activities improve crumb, flavor and shelf life of breads.

Though it's most often made with rye, other flours or grains . I only recently tried it, myself, having been a bit confused and overwhelmed by its preparation, something that includes time, long stirring and closely gauging its temperature. Jumping in to finally try it, my chosen method was with my sous-vide circulator. Only after finishing did I realize that it should be mixed every 20-minutes over three hours at 149 degrees Fahrenheit. Now to mix some dough!





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