A Stir The Pots Post


by | Apr 16, 2020 | Baking, Bread

Would you like to participate in the BreadStorm beta test?

This was the beginning of a friendship with a bread calculator I still use today.

Breadstorm app seems to be offline. Or is it out of business? Curious, I contacted its creator, Jacqueline Colussi. Ms. Colussi told me that Breadstorm™ is currently on break. Which makes sense, because attempting to go to Breadstorm.com support, you’ll find a blank page. Until it all sorts out, I will have to learn some other bread calculation system, while hanging on to this one.

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  1. MC

    Hi Jeremy! Have you ever found a replacement software?

  2. Jeremy Shapiro

    Hi MC….No, I tried contacting BreadStorm…nada…disappeared, but my BreadStorm is still working and someone gave me a pirated version, though my version on my laptop has issues, doesn’t sync anymore….ugh…
    I hope it stay’s alive or I’ll have to buy a copy of Excel for dummies to build a spreadsheet!


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