A Stir The Pots Post

Taking Off The Edge

by | May 20, 2020 | Alcohol

In these times of uncertainty, sometimes you need a good cocktail. Here are two cocktails I enjoy for slow sipping. First up is benefit of Jose Andre’s Mercado, a downtown NYC-food market. They make their own version of a Spanish-influenced gin-and-tonic, garnished with fresh juniper. In my version, I added rosemary and a wonderful lemon known as “a hand of buddha,” here candied for an extra bite.


Second up is a Negroni knockoff that works in armagnac, vermouth, and an after-dinner apertif wine called Laubade Floc. In this case, it was shaken not stirred. And it was lovely, as was the rest of my late afternoon and evening!


Lets hope cocktails will be shared in celebration when this virus is neutralized, meanwhile…go easy, but pour me another one!


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